
In late 2006, I began searching for a KJV Bible in paragraph form. At the same time, I was creating a master plan for marking up a new wide margin Bible I had received as a gift. I didn’t find the paragraph Bible I was looking for and I quickly realized that my color code system would be better executed in digital form.

I found the Bible as a Microsoft Word document and started to shape it into paragraphs and add color. Soon, I began to discover the Bible was a lot more than paragraphs. It was full of lists, charts, poetry, letters, dialogue, building instructions, law and much more. I would format each book and passage to make natural sense according to its literary genre and inherent context. My goal became to reformat the entire Bible for visual understanding. I would ask the question, “If the Bible was written today, what would it look like?” I would print off all the pages and tape them to the wall to see how a whole book fit together in its natural outline.

In 2014, multiple pastors encouraged me to make this project available to the public. I converted the project into Adobe Indesign and dedicated as much time as possible to finishing the project. In late 2020, God provided wide format printing, laminating, and cutting equipment to begin offering books in large poster format. In 2021, God opened doors to offer the project in digital PDF and paper book forms.

My prayer is that God will use this project to help people understand and teach the Bible more effectively, and to raise funds for our missionary projects, especially in Argentina. 

Single Column

The focus is on displaying the text to show its structure and beauty.


Complete thoughts flow together in groups of sentences that make it easier to see verses in their context.

Formatted according to its Literary Genre

See at a glance if the book is Narrative, Poetic, Prophetic or a Letter.

Poetry in Poetic Format

Psalms, songs, poems, proverbs, riddles, and many prophecies are formatted on a line by line basis. Groups of couplets or triplets of lines form stanzas.

Dialogue and Discourse set apart

So much of the Bible is driven by dialogue. Oftentimes, discourses span multiple chapters. Multilevel, block quote indentation and differing font weight make it clear when speech starts and stops. It helps to distinguish who is speaking, for how long, and if they are quoting other sources.

Words of Deity in Small Caps

Distinguishing divine speech from man’s speech helps to see God’s instruction and man’s response to it.

Letters, Memos, Written Documents

Copies of written documents included in the text such as memos, decrees, full letters, superscriptions, and official records are set apart with a border to indicate the written document.

Contextual Spacing

The spacing between lines or paragraphs indicates the natural literary divisions of the book. In narratives, this follows the natural structure that the author intended to convey. In poetry sections (including prophetic poetry and poems inside narrative books), the spacing is based on lines, complete sentences, stanzas, then groups of poems.

Major Lists or Charts in List or Chart Format

If a list, chart, or genealogy does not distract from the flow of the narrative or overall literary structure of the book, it is formatted in the way that most simply presents the data.

Numbers displayed as Numerals

Large numbers, dates, and numbers found in charts are displayed in their numerical form. (Ex. One thousand five hundred thirty and seven is 1,537.)