Spanish is only a few months behind English. Provided that the project is well received in English and Spanish, the goal is to do other languages. (Portuguese, French, German...etc. ) Eventually, the dream is to branch out into other languages that are more distinct.

No. Click OK or Continue if you see a popup passage like that. Some PDF reader apps (like Goodnotes) interpret a printing protection feature from the PDF download software a little strange. But you can just bypass the message.

God has provided the equipment for printing the physical panorama posters for now. Soon, the books will be available in ebook/PDF form and then in an application form. Much depends on how quickly the proper funding can be acquired.

The font size for the entire collection has been carefully chosen at just over 8 points. This allows for consistency as a collection. This also allows for the most reasonable prices possible as a whole. At this scale, the smallest posters are 14" x 14" but the largest book is approx. 5 x 8.5 feet! However, we recognize that there are useful scenarios where a larger print would help. The Lord has provided us with wide format equipment that would allow us to print larger custom sizes. Obviously, the cost would be higher due to more material usage and customization. Just reach out and we should be able to handle almost any custom order.

When studying a passage, we instinctively asks the basic journalistic questions, "Who, Where, When, How Many?..." We want to know the characters of a passage, the setting, the shifts in time and locations. These background details are color coded to make it easy to find. In general, the color blue represents people, but there are slight variations like proper names of people, people groups, occupations, etc. Purple is for names of God, but there are slight variations for God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The basic colors are in the printed posters, but will be even more detailed in the digital editions. (I even have color codes for personal pronouns, plants, measurement words, and imperatives.) These color-coded words are consistent throughout the entire Bible. At first, it may seem a bit distracting, but before long, you'll wonder how you got along without the colors!

The process started with formatting micro structure. I found and formatted lists, dialogue, poetry, letters and so forth. The color coding of words was a simultaneous process that often helped to identify and properly format these micro structures. I'm obsessed with staying in context so I kept acquiring larger screens and larger printers to see how individual passages fit together in books. I looked for the natural literary divisions according to what I could determine was the author's intent for the original audience. After I had reached my own conclusions, I would compare all the resources I have gathered on Bible book outlines. Sometimes, I would find that I missed something, sometimes I would be validated by others, and sometimes I would choose to go against the grain according to my study. I believe that seeing the Bible in this way with the micro and macro formatting along with the color coding has given me a unique advantage in identifying the structure of books. As far as wording of outlines is concerned, the words are my own though occasionally aided by a wordsmith pastor friend of mine.

For printed posters, there are no plans to add cross references. In a sense, these posters already serve as a visual cross reference system, because of how easy it is to recognize similar formatting between books and passages.(Example, Ezra 2 and Nehemiah 7) In app form, we will have the ability to link much more extra content in a way that does not take away from the presentation of the text in its natural context.